Automating your pool is a growing trend among those looking to put minimum effort into maintaining their swimming pools. Pool automation allows you to perform all functions such as cleaning, heating or cooling, filtering, etc., remotely. This gives you better control of your pool while letting you become used to technology that makes your job easy.

Selecting Your Pool Automation Goals
The first step to having an automated pool is to determine why you wish to invest in automation. Do you just want to save time? Or looking for healthier water quality which does not go green? Or do you want to get rid of dangerous chemicals from around your surroundings and make it safer for kids and pets?
Determining why you wish to automate your pool will help you know what features you would like to incorporate, such as cleaning and filtering, chlorine levels, and temperature. The more features that you wish to add, the more circuits that your control center will need. This could add to your construction costs.
It is entirely possible to only install some automatic features and not all. You can monitor critical aspects of your pool without investing in a full smart pool automation system. Let us look at some options that you can consider adding to your pool automation plan.
Chemical Level Adjustment In Pools
Ensuring that your pool has a proper chemical level is essential for monitoring your pool’s pH. Pool chemical automation systems can be used for this purpose. They can be easily found and are affordable. They are not difficult to install either; you just need to have a basic understanding of electrical systems and follow directions for setting up the system. Installing it on your own is a great way to become familiar with the chemical composition of your water and how the system will work to regulate it.
If you have a more flexible budget, we would recommend installing an intelligent automation system. This system delivers high-quality performance that does not require you to change any existing pool equipment. It consists of a control and sensing layer which is added on top of your existing pool and converts it from ‘dumb’ to ‘intelligent’ in about an hour.
The intelligent automation system uses sensors and an Intelligent Pool Controller to optimise pool performance. It is the best for getting healthy pool water and a drastic reduction in chemical and electricity use. You do not need to add chemicals to your pool for nearly six months at a time. You can also use an app on your smartphone to monitor features like lights, heaters, and other pool components.
Installing pool chemical automation systems on your own is a great way to become familiar with the chemical composition of your water!
Heating And Temperature Control Of Water
Use automation to control the temperature of your swimming pool whether you are on holiday, at work, or at home. Solar heating technology or even traditional technology can be used for this purpose without incorporating additional features.
The installation process for any temperature control system requires help from a professional so that it is safely and properly installed. Ensure that you can automate your system before you purchase it. Ask for a rundown of how the system works especially if you are using automation for the first time.
Pool Light Adjustment
Adding automated pool lights is a relatively simple process. You can do it yourself by following instructions from the manufacturer. Usually, it takes about an hour or two to set up and you can add the automation system to an existing light setup for less work.
You can choose between different types of light options to decide which one works best for you. Select between exciting light displays or something simple. You can purchase an automated light system online from a major brand or through a licensed dealer.

Pump And Filter Mechanisms
Inground and above-the-ground pools need a pump and filters to keep the water fresh and clean. Your pump does not have to run all the time because it is not necessary and could amount to a large expense. You should run it every day, though, and turn on the filter when you are planning to swim.
There are many kinds of pumps that you can choose from for your pool. Pumps are available in single speed, two speed, and variable speed types. Of all three, variable speed type pumps save the most energy and give you maximum control. If you want to change temperatures rapidly, you can pump water more quickly. Or if you want to swim in a noise-free state, you can pump water at a slower speed.
Having an automated pump can be useful due to many reasons. It takes away the stress of having to monitor your pump’s running time especially if you are busy. Based on your pool’s size, the surrounding climate, and how many people are swimming in your pool, the running time for the pump can fluctuate. With automation, set up your pump for your daily need, but you can easily change when you have a large gathering.
In addition to the pump, the filter needs to be functioning to keep the pool tidy and clean. Automate the system by setting up a daily filter time or turn it on from your smartphone sometime before use.
Automated Pool Cleaners
An automated pool cleaner is a handy system to own. They are affordable and extremely efficient. You can get cleaners that can be operated remotely and scheduled to function during specific times. Improved technology has made these robot pool cleaners easily manageable and more effective.
You will find many options in the market for an automated pool cleaner. Of all features, cleaners can be most easily installed and operated irrespective of what size they come in. Talk to local pool experts to make sure you find the right cleaner for your needs before you invest in it.

Retractable Pool Covers
It can be cumbersome if you have to manually crank your pool cover off. Sometimes you may not own a crank and have to take the cover off and fold it by hand. A retractable pool cover can make keeping your pool protected a less demanding chore.
There are plenty of reasons why you should not get a traditional pool cover. It can be time-consuming and require muscle power while removing the cover. Also, if you are an older person or just cannot handle physically managing a pool cover, you should consider getting an automated pool cover to reduce your workload. Consider it also if you have kids, grandkids, and pets and are concerned about their safety near your pool. Though it can be expensive, a retractable cover has many benefits that give them an edge over traditional pool covers.
Installing Automated Features In Your Pool
Select a type of user-interface that is most convenient for you. You can place the interface at the poolside or mount it on the wall inside your home. You can create a single panel that also combines with the user interface for your home. You could also control your pool using the Internet and by downloading apps. With an Internet speed of 3 Mbps or more at the poolside, you can control your pool with your phone or computer from any corner of the world.