Your pool pump is the powerhouse of all your pool equipment, and it's what keeps your pool clean. Without one, it would be practically impossible to keep your pools water quality to the level required for safe swimming. Its important that your pool pump is working as it should to avoid problems with your pool. Here are some of the most common signs that your pump may need replacing.

Sign 1 - Strange Noises
If your pump is making strange noises of any kind, it’s a good idea to take a look at it straight away. Leaving it will only see the problem intensify and an entire pump replacement is likely to be on the cards. Here is a brief description of two main noises your pump could make and what may be causing them:
High Pitch Noises
If this type of noise has just started, it may be something a minor as the bearings that have worn out. If this is the case, a bearing replacement should do the trick. If your pump has been making this noise for a while and the bearings haven’t been changed, it can lead to the motor overheating, and the whole pump may need to be replaced. Bearing replacement is quite complex and should be taken care of by a professional that knows their way around a pool pump.
Rattling Noise
If your pool pump is making a rattling noise, it’ll sound like rocks are tumbling in it. This noise could be one of two things, and the first is that the pump itself may be vibrating against the surface it is positioned on. If this is what is happening, the problem can normally be fixed by placing a rubber mat under the pump.
The second reason could be something more sinister, and that is an issue called cavitation. This occurs when the pump is sucking in too much air or isn’t getting enough water. This isn’t something you want your pool to have long-term as it can erode the impeller, valves and piping within the pump and over time, it can weaken them so much that it causes the pump to fail, and it will need to be replaced.
Sign 2 - Poor Water Quality
If you are doing everything by the book and your pool is not staying clean, then there may be a problem with your pump. There’s only so much pool chemicals can do, they need to be dispersed throughout the water. The pump helps to circulate the contents of the pool and prevents it from becoming stagnant. You may notice your pool will quickly go cloudy or green shortly after treating it despite testing the water, correctly balancing the chemical levels, and cleaning it out properly. If this is true for your pool, it’s probably best to call out a professional to take a look at all your equipment, pump included. They will typically be able to determine what the issue is rather quickly and the recommended course of action, allowing you to enjoy a clean pool for longer than a day or two again.

Sign 3 - High Water Pressure
The pressure gauge on your pool pump alerts you to any problems that may be occurring with your pools filtration system. If it has a high-pressure reading, it means there is something that’s not working as it should. At first, you’ll most likely notice that your water quality is affected, and if not rectified, it will eventually stop working. In most cases, the problem is caused by a build-up of debris in the system and can be fixed by cleaning the filter or backwashing. If you have done this and the pressure is still high, it could be caused by the following things:
- Lime or calcium deposits – This problem is typically only reserved for saltwater chlorinators. Normally, cleaning the saltwater cell will correct the issue if this is the reason for the high pressure.
- Air in the filter – This can be easily fixed by releasing the air in pressure valves on your pump. Once the water starts to come out of the valve, you can then close it. If the pressure returns to a normal level, it is worth checking out your pump for any signs of leaks, as this may be the reason that air is trapped in the filter.
- Valves aren’t fully open – If your valves aren’t fully open, it can send your pressure gauge reading up. Ensure they are open at all times.
If you continue to have high-pressure problems after a filter pump replacement, then it may be the size of the pump. If it is too big or not big enough, it can cause problems with your pool. Bigger pumps chew more electricity, and a small pump may not clean the pool properly. Always make sure you speak to a professional before buying a pump to ensure it’s the right size for the job.
Sign 4 - The Pool Pump Keeps Switching Off
The only time your pump should turn off when it shouldn’t is if there’s a power outage or a problem with the pump itself. If your pump is known to shut off when it is not supposed to, it’s a good idea to investigate this further. If there’s a circuit issue, this could potentially be dangerous, and if it’s the pump, it’s not going to clean your pool sufficiently, and you may find keeping your water sanitary is an uphill battle that can never seem to win. If this problem is happening at your place and an innocent blackout is not at fault, you should get a professional pool technician to look at it. It may only need some parts changed if it’s seen to quickly. Waiting can see the whole mechanism fail and need replacing. Getting a professional to check out your pump when it keeps switching off will ensure your pool equipment is safe and your pool remains crystal clear.

Maintaining Your Pool Equipment Can Help You to Avoid Costly Replacements
More often than not, pump failure can be avoided when the problem is dealt with when it first occurs. Some pump problems are more obvious than others but when you are aware of what to keep an eye and ear out for, you can address them faster. After all, repairs are typically far more economical than buying a whole new pump. Pool maintenance is a crucial part of pool ownership and something that shouldn’t be avoided. If it is not something you feel comfortable doing or don’t particularly want to do, hire a professional pool cleaner to look after your pool for you. They are trained professionals and can pick up on the smallest problems that may go unnoticed by the untrained eye.
If you’re looking for a new pool or perhaps to replace an old one, our team here at The Fibreglass Pool Company can help! We specialise in state-of-the-art fibreglass pools and have something for every backyard and personal preference. Our team are also happy to answer any questions you may have about pool pumps or your pool equipment in general. Contact us today!