Getting a pool installed is a long and time-consuming process, but this does not mean that it has to be boring too. While the pool is getting installed, you can have a look at all the options for water you have. Water is an essential part of the pool and the type that you use will determine a lot of things.
Different pool waters have different pros and cons. It is important that you understand each one of them and choose one that suits your needs. This step is as crucial as selecting the design because water that does not suit your pool might do more damage than good.
The three main types of water in the market are saltwater, mineral, and chlorine.

Below are some of the reasons why you should buy one and why it might be the best choice for you -
No saltwater pools don’t have buoyancy like the oceans. If you were expecting your pool to be like the Dead Sea and make you float no matter what, then you will be disappointed. Also, a good thing to note is that the saltwater pool does not have a large amount of salt in it.
The salt is added into the pool and it reacts with the salt cell to produce its own supply of chlorine. This is one of the main benefits of getting the saltwater variant as compared to others.
Salt is added to the water to essentially treat it and make it usable for human use. This water feels the softest and does not cause skin irritation like other types. It is better for your hair too and needs lower maintenance than others. Also, the salt recycles itself.
One of the cons of getting the saltwater is that the added salt is very corrosive in nature to the pool materials. It will react to every metal component in and around the pool, which means that it will react with the pool ladders, handlebars, and the metal in the patio and furniture around it too.
But there is a way to avoid this. You can get a sacrificial anode that negates the corrosive aspect. Zinc is used in making this anode as zinc gives up its ions more easily than any other metal. These free zinc ions react with the salts and prevent them from damaging the nearby metals. So can fibreglass pools be saltwater?
The Most Common Fibreglass Pool Questions
We’ve put together a list of the most common questions we get asked here at The Fibreglass Pool Company to give you an understanding of our fibreglass pool installations!
Such a sacrificial anode will last you about 3 years. You should replace it when you see it depleting further than half. It should be connected to the pool bonding wire and the grounding specifically. You can place it away from the pool and rinsing it often can help extend its life.
A saltwater system might be expensive at first, but its low maintenance costs and negligible operations cost more than make up for it. In the long run, you end up saving money which cannot be said about the others.
It can be said to be the most common type of water available in the market for years. Chlorine water has been a mainstay in the industry and even after its introduction years ago. They are most widely available too due to their ease of use.
The chlorine keeps your pool clean with the help of a number of chemical reactions. It breaks down bacteria which makes them harmless. You can think of it as bleaching. The most common ingredient in bleach is chlorine, so on a theoretical level, you are just bleaching your pool.
You can bleach your pool water too, but it would be far more expensive. You can buy chlorine tablets or granular chlorine to chlorinate your pool. But as seasons go by, you will realize that adding chlorine to your pool might be one of the most expensive ways to maintain it.
Chlorine is not cheap as a chemical, and if you let your chlorine levels drop, your pool can get green very easily. Essentially, you want to add chlorine on a weekly basis so that you can replenish its levels regularly.
Chlorine tablets take a long time to dissolve fully but last longer. They provide a stable source of chlorine to the water and do not peak easily. You can add the tablets through a chlorinator. A chlorinator is cheap to buy and can be installed by DIY homeowners without any hassle. You can have it automated too.

Granular chlorine is a coarse form of chlorine that you can dissolve in a bucket of water and then pour around the boundary of your pool. This will spike up the level of chlorine for some time but will then go down too. You will have to wait for some time before you can use the pool.
Liquid chlorine is also a good choice when it comes to chlorination. You can add it directly to the pool too. It is a quick and easy way to chlorinate the water but storing it can be a problem. It comes premixed in a bucket or large packets and takes up a lot of space. A box of granular chlorine or tablets will take 1/4th space as compared to the liquid form of chlorine.
Mineral Water
As the name suggests, the water is laced with minerals like magnesium and potassium salts and is a low chlorine alternative. The minerals work in tandem to prevent any algae or bacterial growth and keep the pool clean.
You would need to replace the mineral packs and when needed. It does not cause irritation like chlorine and is a cheaper alternative too. The best part is that in most cases, it costs half the price of chlorine and lasts the entire season. You will have to keep an eye on the mineral pack, though.
The quality of water is soft and can be said to be easier on the eyes and skin too. As there are no side effects, this is one of the best options for people with sensitive skin. They are growing in popularity and are being widely accepted throughout. Switching to them is easy and can be done without any problems. They are also the easiest to maintain.
The best value for money, mineral water pools should be a choice for people who would like a low maintenance pool owning experience. Add to that a softer water type and you have a great alternative to your chlorine and saltwater options.
Can Fibreglass Pools Be Saltwater?
Saltwater tends to be popular amongst pool owners and a question we get asked a lot here at The Fibreglass Pool Company is “Can fibreglass pools be saltwater?”
How to Choose?
Choose the type of water that you are going to have in your pool on the basis of operational costs and prices. As we can see, the price varies from option to option and how they are used is also different.
Get the type you are most comfortable with. Different types will require different care from your side. Learn about all of them and how they are maintained. As your neighbours and pool companies, they will be able to suggest something as per your needs.
Certain types would be popular in your area. Talk to all the people you can and find out why people use one over the other. You will gather great insights as to how different water types are maintained and what can be the running costs.